Friday, October 15, 2010

week 26

i have never been so hormonal in my entire life. and it is really quite irritating. but even when i realize i'm being overly hormonal, i still feel like whatever upset me... was a very normal thing to be upset about.

mood swings are sooooo awesome. i love wanting to rip someone's head off and then wanting to go do something fun with them like thirty seconds later. it's like being five again and getting in a fight with your best friend and then forgetting fifteen minutes later. LOOOOOOOOOOOOVE it!

chancey pants is a kicking fool. and he loves to kick at the worst possible times. like when i'm sitting in class trying to focus, when i'm studying, or right when i lay down to go to sleep. i wish i could say i'm absolutely annoyed by it, but i'm not. i love feeling him kick and move around. it's always the highlight of my day.

DREAMS!!!! oh my lanta. i hate dreaming because they are always so insanely bizarre.
last night i had a dream that chance just came out of my stomach in a very ghostly manner and it was the weirdest thing. he didn't want me to hold him so i was very upset that i couldn't feel him moving around inside me anymore.
a couple nights ago i had a dream that my parents grounded me to their basement. there was a big hole in the wall with a HUGE spider inside and i could hear the spider hissing and it freaked me out. so i went and got bug killer and killed him and then a troll came out of nowhere and told me to stop making such a big deal over a stupid spider... yeah. i hate dreaming. and that same night i had another dream that my room was filled with the strangest people whom i had apparently invited over for cake. and i really had to go to the bathroom but none of them would let me leave. it was AWFUL.

so to me, pregnancy is kinda hilarious... unless i'm stuck in a dream.

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