Friday, October 8, 2010


FIFTEEN. 15. quince.
that's the number of weeks left until my baby boy is placed in my arms.
Chance Jonathan Stebbins.
my sweet angel.

today i realized a few things.
1. i hate creating quilt patterns. so NEVER ask me to make a quilt. i am horrible at sewing, and i am anti-quilting.
2. i love it when my mom makes me no-bake cookies. she ALWAYS manages to put in the perfect extra amount of chocolate. and i LOVE the way she makes them taste.
3. i am anti-bluray. seriously... there really isn't that big of a difference unless you look close enough and enjoy seeing famous people's zits. plus, what's the point in having one only for netflix?? my parents NEVER buy dvds.. so why would they buy blurays?? silly dad. i told him several times not to get one and today he walks in with one and sets it up. all for NETFLIX which we already have through our wii. i honestly think that because he went through the entire television creation and every single upgrade made up to the latest HDTV he thinks he has to have the best.. i personally think it's silly and a waste of two-hundred dollars. but that's just my opinion.
and lastly...
4. DR. PEPPER. is my favorite drink. it's soooo crazy delicious. and i can't believe i've gone 5 months without it. today i got my fix, and i've been in heaven ever since.

anywho... a friend of mine quoted on the famous facebook:

No one can go back and start a new beginning but, today you can start a new ending!

i have pondered quite a bit on this, and decided a new ending is a new beginning. because when you close one door you always have to open another. even if the door you open has to do with the same situation, it's still a new beginning. if that makes sense to anyone besides myself, i will be amazed.

and that's all for today!

1 comment:

B&D said...

Dear Nessa...
Don't say anything to Brad about the bluray... he will fight to the death about it... secondly... I love your blog.. thirdly... I miss mothers no bake cookies.. fourthly... I miss you...
Thanks for thinking I'm amazing... I think you are! I love you so much you are very strong... keep holdin on sis! TA TA